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Uterine Fibroid Embolisation- The Best Alternative to Hysterectomy

· Fibroid,Uterine Fibroid,hysterectomy,Fibroid treatment,UFE

Women who are on their reproductive age suffer from fibroids. These non-malignant tumours grow in the inner wall of the uterus leading to extreme abdominal and pelvic pain. Even they cause problems at the time of pregnancy too. Read below to know the best alternative to hysterectomy- UFE and how the treatment is done.

Fibroids from the Root

Uterine fibroids, also known as leiomyomas are the abnormal growth or non-cancerous tumors which are found in the smooth muscle layer that is known as myometrium. These cysts can be seen either in multiple numbers or in single number. Generally, women aged more than 35 are prone to face this problem. Most of the women with this health problem remain unaware of the fact that they have these cysts. Actually, leiomyomas sometimes appear so small that they cannot be detected by any medical test.

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The physicians have summarized some of the common symptoms of fibroids and they are,

1) Heavy and painful period

2) Problems with urinary frequency

3) Back pain

4) Bloating and discomfort in the abdomen

5) Painful intercourse

6) Issues with fertility and pregnancy

7) Constipation and so on.

These are the common symptoms, which the patients generally come across. Yet, there are some other cases, in which women do not face any of the symptoms at all.

Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)- The Latest Treatment

With the advancement of medical science, new developments for fibroids have been introduced and the uterine fibroid embolisation is one of the latest treatments. In this treatment, the blood supply to the non-malignant cysts is blocked and as a result, the tumors become shrunken. This is how the patients get rid of these tumors.

The entire process of shrinking the fibroids is done in 4 simple steps-

Step 1 – Here, the interventional radiologist pushes a small tube in the arteries that supply nutrients and blood to the uterus.

Step 2- in the second stage OF uterine fibroids treatment, the radiologist infuse smaller particles in the blood channel that reaches the cysts or fibroids

Step 3- the fibroids shrink due to lack of proper nutrition. They shrunk and get reduced within a few months. There is no scarring and bleeding. It is safe and less invasive process as compared to the other procedures.

Important Things Regarding UFE

Here are some of the UFE related points that you may note down.

  • UFE is the best alternative to hysterectomy as this procedure is safe and it does not affect the uterus. There is no scarring too.
  • The treatment requires very short time. The patients only need to stay overnight in the hospital
  • This process takes very less time to complete and the patient can return to her normal life within a week or so. She can again become the mother too.
  • In UFE, there is no chance of scarring and wound. The symptoms of fibroids get reduced and the woman can lead a painless life.

With these, you may realize why UFE is better a better Fibroid treatment ​. To lead a fibroid and pain free life, quickly contact a reputed physician with wide experience.