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Uterine Fibroids- Common Symptoms and Effective Treatments

Do you have to endure severe pain during the menstrual period? Well, this can be caused by several of reasons. Uterine fibroids, the non-cancerous tumors are one of the major reasons that cause painful period. Do you have the basic idea about this health issue? If no, then you may go through the following section where you will get some valuable information regarding this topic. Now dive into the section and know whatever you want to know about fibroids.

What Are Fibroids?

Uterine fibroids or leiomyomas are the non-malignant tumor growths that appear on the smooth muscle wall of the womb, which is known as myometrium. The firm and compact uterine fibromas are generally made of smooth muscle cells and fibrous connective tissue. This health issue is very common among the women. It is known from the recent survey that about 20 to 40 percent of women who are at their reproductive age, have these cysts. These tumors may be found either in small size or in big size. In a similar way, the number of the cysts also varies from patients to patients.

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The exact cause for the development of non-malignant cysts is not clear to the doctors. Yet, the physicians think that when the estrogen levels increase, the tumors multiple in numbers.

Common Symptoms

There are some common symptoms associated with these health problems and they are,

• Painful and bad periods

• Complications during pregnancy or infertility

• Frequent urination

• Pain during intercourse

• Low back pain and more.

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So, if you come across any of the above-mentioned symptoms, do not forget to visit a doctor.


You will be happy to know that fibroids are not life-threatening as they are non-cancerous. Besides, with the introduction of the latest treatments, the physicians have now become able to completely cure the patients. Here is a brief discussion on the treatment for this health issue.

Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)

UFE is the latest treatment in which the blood supply to the non-malignant cysts is blocked and as a result, the tumors become shrunk and the patients get relief. The treatment involves rapid recovery and most importantly, the women can become pregnant even after the treatment.


The doctors prescribe some medications that control the estrogen level and thus the patients can get rid of the cysts.

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This is the surgical procedure in which the surgeon removes the tumors from the patient’s body while keeping the womb intact. If you like to know more about fibroid treatment, you may consult with a renowned surgeon.


Generally, doctors go for the hysterectomy when the case is very critical. In this surgical procedure, the cysts affected womb is removed from the body of the women and this is why, the patients cannot become pregnant after the operation.

Hope all the above-mentioned information is helpful for you. For further information, you may take the help of the internet or visit a reputed surgeon with profound knowledge and wide experience.