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A Brief Note on Uterine Fibroids and Embolisation Procedure

Most of the women these days experience intolerable menstrual cramps as well as heavy, prolonged bleeding during those days of the month. Though some of them consider these symptoms to be normal, it can be sign of certain serious, underlying health issues. The majority of the women belonging to different age groups, who experience these signs, are either diagnosed with uterine fibroids or Adenomyosis. Are you aware of what fibroids are? Well, these are non-cancerous tumours that develop in the uterus. Though the actual causes that lead to the formation of these benign masses are still not clear, it is assumed that they develop from an abnormal muscle cell within the uterus that multiplies quickly due to an increase in the levels of estrogen.

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Symptoms of Uterine Fibroids

The symptoms of this condition usually vary from person to person. Some hardly experience any signs; some have mild symptoms whereas other women come across disruptive, severe indications. However, the common signs include:

• Abnormal menstrual bleeding.

• Pelvic pain.

• Prolonged or heavy menstrual periods.

• Pain in the lower back.

• Frequent urination.

• Pain during sexual intercourse.

In case you’re experiencing some of the many symptoms mentioned above, feel free to rely on a reputable clinic for appropriate diagnosis and treatment. The advancements in the field of medicine have led to the development of some highly effectual and minimally invasive treatment procedure for fibroids help. Uterine Fibroid Embolisation is one such procedure that treats the fibroids permanently and is less risky than open surgeries. Once opted for this procedure, there is no further requirement of undergoing hysterectomy. This procedure also enables an individual to recover within a short period.

More about Uterine Fibroid Embolisation

Are you keen to know how this procedure is carried out? If yes, take a look at the following steps:

• Step 1: The interventional radiologist passes a small tube through the upper leg into one’s arteries that supply the uterus.

• Step 2: Then, the tiny particles are infused in blood vessels that supply the fibroids.

• Step 3: The fibroids that starve of the nutrient supply shrinks permanently thus, resulting in better periods.

UFE procedure usually requires an overnight stay in the hospital. The post-operative symptoms include slight pain in lower abdomen that is controlled with medication. The incision that is made in the skin to carry out the Embolisation is quite small. Hence, there is hardly any need for stitches. Fibroids can lead to infertility. Hence, proper treatment is necessary to improve the chances of having babies. In case, a woman is diagnosed with fibroid during pregnancy, she should immediately undertake medications or consider the other treatment options.