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Things to Know About Fibroids & Its Treatments

· Fibroids,hysterectomy,fibroid surgery,Fibroid cure,fibroid removal

Fibroids, also known as uterine myomas, fibromas and leiomyomas are the non-cancerous tumor growths on the female reproductive organ, i.e., womb. Fibroids are not life-threatening since they are non-malignant. But this does not mean, you can overlook this health condition. They may cause several symptoms, including, prolonged and heavy menstrual period, intolerable pain, low back pain and frequent urinary problems. These symptoms can disturb your well-being, and this is why; you should never ignore fibroids.

Depending on the size, number and position of fibroids, they may often cause complications during pregnancy. You will be happy to know that fibroids natural treatment can provide you with a painless and healthy life. Consult your doctor to know which treatment suits you the most.

Though most of the women with uterine fibroids have no perceptible symptoms but many of them suffer from experience pregnancy complications, infertility and miscarriages. As menopause approaches, fibroids often shrink or stop growing thus, healthcare providers don’t recommend any treatment procedure rather monitor the symptoms at a regular interval to ensure no significant change has taken place and the fibroids are not growing in number or size. Fibroids can be diagnosed through X-ray, MRI, Ultrasonography, Hysteroscopy, Hysterosalpingography, and Endometrial biopsy.

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Treatment for Fibroids

Hysterectomy- The process entails the surgical removal of the uterus. Previously women with fibroids were most often recommended to undergo hysterectomy. Fortunately, with the advancements of surgical procedures now they are free from such obligations, with no hysterectomy, fibroids can be treated completely.

Fibroid Embolisation – This minimally invasive fibroid treatment has gained popularity lately, here a flexible, thin tube is inserted into the arteries that supply blood to the uterus. Tiny particles known as embolic agents are then infused into the blood vessels. These agents block the arteries that supply blood to the fibroids and being starved of the nutrient supply the fibroids then gradually shrink over the months. The treatment procedure is tailored for individual patients.

Administering Anti-hormonal Agents- Often doctors prescribe specific drugs that suppress the secretion of estrogen thus effective in assuaging the symptoms of fibroids. Anti-progestin, which impedes the performance of progesterone is recommended as well.

Using GnRH Agonists- To lower the level of estrogen secretion and prompt medical menopause this treatment is applied by the doctors. This helps to obstruct new developments for fibroids and shrink the fibroids as well.

Apart from mentioned treatment options, you may also opt for fibroids natural treatment. This is the key to get rid of symptoms. After a thorough discussion about your medications, medical conditions, the extent of the disease and your overall health and tolerance for certain medications, therapies and procedures the doctors will determine the treatment procedure necessary for you.