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Understanding the Various Home Remedies to Cure Fibroids

· Fibroids Natural Tre,Hysterectomy

Uterine fibroids could be loosely defined as a medical condition in which non-cancerous tumors of varying size and number emerge in and around the female reproductive system. Through symptoms such as heavy menstrual bleeding, backaches, frequent urination, constipation, pelvic pressure, discomfort during sexual intercourse, and pregnancy complications, the said disorder tries to adversely affect woman’s everyday life. While going through surgical procedures or consuming over-the-counter medications seems viable, certain home remedies have also proven effective in curing fibroids. Want to know what are they? If yes, please do buy some time and take a close look at the below-mentioned pointers.

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  • Mix two teaspoons of lemon juice and one teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Drinking this solution is known to shrink the uterine growths largely and effectually alleviate all the painful signs.
  • Massaging castor oil on lower abdomen area is noted for being the best fibroids natural treatment. Having anti-inflammatory properties, it calms down muscles inside the uterus, eliminates toxins, and compels the tumors to contract and disappear.
  • According to renowned medical professionals, fibroids occur when levels of hormones like estrogen escalate uncontrollably. Garlic rich in vitamins B6 and C is known for contributing to hormonal balance and preventing occurrence of uterine tumors in the first place. Chew garlic cloves raw and drink a bit of water for washing down the aftertaste.
  • Honey when blended with pollen, aloe juice, and water could successfully reduce overall swelling of uterus and suppress the fibroids. However, best results could only be generated if all stated ingredients are cent percent pure.
  • Milk thistle is considered exceptionally efficient in treating fibroids. It would not only cause the tumors to shrivel but also eliminate excess estrogen so that the concerned woman’s body could maintain perfect hormonal balance.
  • Green tea could prevent the rate in which fibroid tumors are growing. Having anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-proliferative properties, it could also reduce the symptoms associated with the said medical condition. Women are asked to drink at least three to four cups of green tea every day for at least six months to notice changes.

While surgeries like hysterectomyand myomectomy have lots of side-effects, women could get definite results by following the home-based tips and tricks specified above in a safe manner. However, they do need to exhibit patience and stick to any one of the methods at a time.

In case none of the home remedies worked, consider going through a uterine fibroid embolization. This is a minimally invasive process that removes all kinds of tumors present inside and around uterus without hampering physical health of the patient.