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Know Everything about Uterine Fibroids- The Reason for Infertility

· Uterine Fibroid,Fibroid

Becoming mother is a dream of a large share of women. According to them, their lives come to its fullest shape only when they become pregnant. However, all are not so lucky to have a child. There are several types of health issues that can affect a woman’s fertility. Uterine fibroids, also referred as leiomyomas can be considered a major culprit of infertility. It is matter of great regret that about 20 to 40 percent of women, who are aged above 30, have fibroids.

The worst thing about this health condition is that the patients with leiomyomas often remain unaware of this health condition, since they are asymptomatic in most of the cases. Generally, when women become pregnant, they come to know about this health issue through some medical tests. If the readers want to know, more about this topic, they may go through the following discussion.

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Uterine Fibroids from the Root

Fibroids are the non-malignant tumours which are located in the smooth muscle layer of the womb, known as myometrium. They may appear in a single number or in multiple numbers. They are not life-threatening, for they are non-cancerous in nature. However, the patients can never overlook them since they may cause infertility. The fact how severe the cysts will be depends on where they are located. To treat the patients in the most effective way, the physicians often recommend them to undergo the hysterectomy which is a surgical treatment to remove the cysts affected womb from the body of the patient.

Leiomyomas and Their Types

There are mainly four types of fibroids and they include,

  • Intramural
  • Subserosal fibroids
  • Submucosal fibroids
  • Cervical fibroids

Possible Symptoms

It is already mentioned that most of the cases, these cysts are asymptomatic. However, there are some cases, in which they appear along with some symptoms. Few of them are listed below.

  1. Painful and heavy bleeding period
  2. Lower back pain
  3. Discomfort in the abdomen
  4. Urinary problem or frequent urination
  5. Fertility issues
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Uterine Fibroid Embolisation (UFE)

UFE is the latest and most effective treatment that can be considered as an alternative to the fibroid removal treatment. In UFE, the blood supply to the tumour affected womb is blocked and as a result the cysts become shrunk. UFE is a minimally invasive treatment and it allows the patients to become pregnant even after the procedure. This is the reason, why UFE becomes so popular. Apart from this, there are other treatment options and they includehysterectomy, myomectomy, medications, hormonal treatment and more.

Hope all the given information regarding uterine fibroids is useful for the patients. If they want to know more, they may consult with a reputed gynecologist who has a profound knowledge of this subject.