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Eight Foods Women Suffering from Fibroids Must Avoid

· fibroids,hysterectomy,fibroid removal surg,myomectomy,fibroid removal
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According to latest research, about 70% women of reproductive age have reported to suffer from fibroids. It could be loosely defined as a gynecological disorder in which non-cancerous tumors appear within and around the uterus. While many doctors have conducted extensive research, they have not really managed to pinpoint any definite cause but things do tend to get worse when estrogen levels escalate.


Owing to various articles available online, almost all of us are aware of the treatment options for fibroids starting from over-the-counter medications to surgeries, minimally invasive procedures, and home remedies, but in the following write-up, I have chalked down names of a few food items, which must be avoided in case you are suffering from the said condition. Know more by checking out the below-mentioned pointers.


  • It is exceptionally important to limit the consumption of whole milk, butter, cream, and a wide range of other dairy products containing fat because these can increase fibroid nourishing hormones.


  • The renowned practitioners of fibroid removal surgery has asked women with uterine lumps to keep away from caffeinated beverages such as tea, coffee, soda, chocolates, etc. because these can contribute to harmful biochemicals and exacerbate the entire situation. 


  • Foods loaded with saturated fats such as sausage, egg yolks, bacon, avocados, etc. can increase the production of estrogen to a great extent and make fibroids bigger than ever. These are also known for adversely impacting the liver.


  • Women should lower their intake of white foods like rice cakes, pasta, cookies, white bread, pastries, etc. because they alter the rate of metabolism and aggravate diverse symptoms of fibroids including heavy menstrual bleeding, backache, pelvic pressure, frequent urination, constipation, etc.


  • Not incorporating salty foods like olives, pretzels, chips, baked beans, pickles, canned soup, etc. in the diet stands to be quite beneficial for fibroids because these prevent removal of toxins and disturb the balance of hormones in a woman’s body.


  • Margarine and hydrogenated oils are believed to be much harmful so much so that some healthcare specialists have labeled them as ‘plastic foods’. Putting these in any dish degrades its nutritional value and also do not let the tumors to die down. It is better to use hemp seed, walnut, olive, coconut, sunflower, almond, pumpkin, or sesame oils instead. Clarified butter is also a good option.


  • Red meat is believed to be utterly harmful for women experiencing fibroids. If they do need a protein source, well-known surgeons performing hysterectomy and myomectomy, have stated white lean meat to be the best alternative.


  • Artificial sweeteners are known for being chemical additives manufactured from aspartic acid or phenylalanine and methanol. Apart from augmenting fibroids, they are a metabolic poison that a typical human body could not detoxify.


Avoiding the foods specified above would most surely help with fibroids. Make sure to alleviate or stop consuming these altogether until you have got rid of the problem. You can talk to a medical professional and learn about the several foods that would not harm your condition in any manner.