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Bid a Farewell to Adenomyosis with Six Amazing Treatments

· Adenomyosis,fibroid surgery,Fibroid treatment,fibroid removal,Fibroid cure

According to latest research, about 50% women suffer from adenomyosis, in which endometrium or inner lining of uterus breaks through its muscle wall, also known as myometrium. Even though considered benign or not life-threatening, symptoms usually associated with it such as heavy menstrual bleeding, abdominal cramp, pelvic pressure, bloating, etc., adversely impacts life’s overall quality. Among several options readily available, in this write-up, let us try exploring five most popular treatments for this particular gynaecological condition.

Uterine Artery Embolisation

According to highly competent professionals performing fibroids natural treatment with acute precision, uterine artery embolisation (UAE), has managed to acquire widespread popularity. In this minimally invasive procedure, tiny particles inserted through femoral artery obstructs blood supply, thus, alleviates abnormality.

Endometrial Ablation

Endometrial Ablation could be loosely defined as a process in which uterine lining is damaged either by inserting a thin tool through vagina or by passing powerful radio waves. It does not need any surgical incision but doctor do conduct comprehensive visual examination, or in other words ultrasound and multiple imaging tests.

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Initially women used to go through hysterectomy, which involves complete removal of uterus, thus, destroys their dream of conceiving. Short-term reactions might subside gradually but a few long-term ones persist for years. Most common include loss of bladder control and vaginal shortening. The latter makes sexual intercourse excessively discomforting.

Hormone Therapy

Diverse hormone therapies impressed a larger segment of population but still women suffering from the said disorder opts for gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists (GnRH). Signs might surface up after some time and being aware of side-effects such as bone thinning, vaginal dryness, joint ache, hot flashes, loss of libido, hair loss, mood swings, etc., is necessary.

Anti-inflammatory Medication

Doctors often prescribe nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs because these can provide relief from pain of adenomyosis. Women must start taking NSAIDs two days before their period, and continue for first few days. When definite amount is maintained, they can notice significant improvement.

Oral Contraceptive

It might sound strange to some but oral contraceptives have also proven beneficial. Rather than directly curing the said disorder, it controls bad periods. Moreover, such pills are found easily in brick-and-mortar stores or online pharmacies for a reasonable cost. Do consult a healthcare expert to know appropriate dosages.

Even though each treatment stated above is extremely effective, a woman can also implement few home remedies like increasing calcium and magnesium intake, practicing yoga, placing a heat pad on belly or indulging in a warm bath, consuming herbal supplements, massaging womb, etc. which reduces severity of adenomyosis but do not impose any side-effect. Now isn’t that great? Exhibiting patience along with cutting back on bad habits, especially smoking cigarettes and drinking alcohol also help to a great extent.